Dexterity Tests Employment

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Home : Psychometric Test Practice Guide : Pre-employment tests guide

Many local and international companies in both the private and public sector now rely on pre-employment tests, such as aptitude and personality tests, as the most effective method to measure your ‘fit’, or match, for a position you apply for. These tests tell employers what they need to know, not just what you want to share with them.

Why pre-employment tests might stop you getting the job you want

One of the key challenges of these pre-employment tests is to ensure they measure an applicant’s true capabilities and characteristics, as it’s widely known that pressure and stress can drag some job seekers’ test scores down. You may find that ‘perfect’ candidates, who have both the right experience and capabilities, are filtered out of the recruitment process merely because they didn’t pass the basic pre-employment test requirements. Once your pre-employment test finds your profile does not match the requirements, it will be almost impossible for you to remain in the race to get the job you applied for.

IPC’s pre-employment testing practice solutions

Original test-retest reliability scores for the finger test were r= 0.60 however, the research was completed under employment conditions which may account for low correlative scores where the fastest speed for both men and woman was 5.70 minutes with a median of 7.70 minutes (Hines & O’Connor, 1926).

Dexterity tests help to evaluate the manual abilities of individuals in order for therapists to provide the appropriate therapy or treatment that is required. They can also be used to pre-screen employees for jobs that rely on fine motor skills and coordination with the fingers, hands and arms. Learn more about Manipulation/Dexterity Tests. Pre-employment testing can be used to highlight candidates who have the aptitude to learn and perform the job, as well as the personality to be comfortable in the position. It's a great tool for identifying applicants who may have limited experience, but have the capacity to pick up on-the-job training and learn the position quickly.

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To address this challenge, the Institute of Psychometric Coaching (IPC) now offers online professional preparation solutions to help you express your true capabilities in your pre-employment tests. Our unique preparation solutions include:

  1. Online courses for each component of your pre-employment tests – abstract, verbal, numerical, mechanical and personality tests.
  2. Online practice pre-employment tests – we have a pool of around 1000 test questions, which include comprehensive test reports and feedback with detailed answer explanations.
  3. One-on-one personal coaching for your pre-employment test – delivered by one of our Psychometric test experts.

Ultimately, our aim is to increase the fairness of these pre-employment tests and to ensure that you are given a fair go and an equal opportunity when doing them.

Dexterity tests employment jobs

Dexterity Tests Employment Definition

Our preparation solutions for your pre-employment tests are industry and job-level specific. We have preparation solutions for pre-employment tests that cover more than 90 positions. This means that a job seeker applying for a position with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will have a different set of preparation solutions than one applying for a position with National Australian Bank (NAB).

Pre-employment test examples:

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Manual Dexterity Test For Manufacturing

Experienced Australian psychometric test writers and trainers have developed all the preparation solutions for your pre-employment tests.

The Institute of Psychometric Coaching was established in 2007 and we have had many satisfied customers take our preparation solutions for pre-employment tests. Take control of your recruitment process to ensure you have the best chance at your pre-employment test.

The General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) is a work-related multiple-ability assessment developed by the U.S. Employment Service (USES), a division of the Department of Labor. The following sections review the historical development of the GATB; the primary characteristics of the most recent measure, the Ability Profiler; and the current usage and availability of the Ability Profiler.

Historical Development of the GATB

In the mid-1930s, the USES initiated a program of aptitude test research, resulting in approximately 100 ability tests designed to predict success across a wide variety of occupations representative of the U.S. labor force at the time. The USES then examined a set of these tests through a series of factor analyses, ultimately identifying 12 tests measuring nine aptitudes. GATB edition B-1002 comprised these 12 tests and was published in 1947 in two forms (A and B). Two additional forms (C and D) were subsequently published in 1983. State employment service offices used the GATB for vocational counseling and applicant referral, and high schools, technical schools, universities, labor union apprenticeship programs, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and other authorized agencies used the battery for vocational and career counseling.

In the late 1980s, a review of the GATB by the U.S. National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences raised a number of concerns, and, subsequently, the battery went through several important changes in development. The concerns of the NRC included aesthetics, speed of completion, scoring, and susceptibility to coaching. The result of the revision process comprised GATB Forms E and F, now referred to as Ability Profiler Forms 1 and 2, respectively. These forms represent the current operational versions of the battery and are designed exclusively for vocational counseling, occupational exploration, and career planning.

Characteristics of the Ability Profiler

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The Ability Profiler, comprising 11 separately timed tests, measures nine work-related abilities:

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  1. Verbal Ability: ability to understand the meaning of words and use them effectively in good communication when you listen, speak, or write
  2. Arithmetic Reasoning: ability to use several math skills and logical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations
  3. Computation: ability to use arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve everyday problems involving numbers
  4. Spatial Ability: ability to form pictures of objects in your mind
  5. Form Perception: ability to quickly and accurately see details in objects, pictures, or drawings
  6. Clerical Perception: ability to quickly and accurately see differences in detail in printed material
  7. Motor Coordination: ability to quickly and accurately coordinate eyes with hands or fingers when making precise hand movements
  8. Manual Dexterity: ability to quickly and accurately move hands easily and skillfully
  9. Finger Dexterity: ability to move fingers skillfully and easily

There are three options for administering the Ability Profiler. First, all 11 tests can be administered in approximately 2.5 hours. This option is preferable for individuals exploring all occupations, including those requiring psychomotor abilities. Second, the 7 paper-and-pencil tests can be administered in approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. This option is preferable when individuals are not exploring occupations requiring manual or finger dexterity. Third, the 6 non-psychomotor tests can be administered in approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. This option is preferable when individuals are not exploring occupations requiring psychomotor abilities. For all options, examinees must (a) be at least 16 years old, (b) read English at a sixth-grade level or higher, and (c) not have taken any form of the Ability Profiler or GATB within the prior six months.

Extensive research generally supports the reliability and validity of earlier GATB forms. For instance, numerous studies indicate the GATB instruments demonstrate acceptable test-retest reliability (most estimates are greater than .70), convergent validity, and at least modest correlations with ratings of job performance, although the evidence is often stronger for the cognitive aptitudes (e.g., Verbal Ability) than for the perceptual (e.g., Form Perception) or psychomotor (e.g., Finger Dexterity) aptitudes. Although there is less evidence to date for Ability Profiler Forms 1 and 2, reliability and construct validity analyses also support the use of these forms.

Current Usage and Availability of the Ability Profiler

The Ability Profiler is currently in use as part of the Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Career Exploration Tools. The O*NET is an extensive computerized occupational database of both job and worker characteristics. The O*NET Career Exploration Tools consist of a set of instruments designed to help individuals identify their work-related abilities, interests, and values, as well as to find the occupations that best correspond to individuals’ attributes. The Ability Profiler instrument compares the individual’s profile of abilities obtained from the Ability Profiler tests to similar ability requirement profiles of each O*NET occupation. Occupations with profiles closely matching the individual’s profile (as reflected in the correlation between profiles) are suggested as promising areas for further career exploration.

Dexterity Tests Employment Test

The Ability Profiler and supporting documents (e.g., score reports, user’s guide) can be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office or downloaded from the O*NET Resource Center Web site. Although certification is not required to administer the Ability Profiler, training should be given; the O*NET Resource Center Web site also provides training materials. Furthermore, users are allowed to modify or extend the Ability Profiler tool to develop customized products, but they must do so in accordance with the terms of the O*NET Developer’s Agreement.

See also:


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  1. Hartigan, J. A. and Wigdor, A. K., eds. 1989. Fairness in Employment Testing: Validity Generalization, Minority Issues, and the General Aptitude Test Battery. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  2. McCloy, R., Campbell, J., Oswald F., Rivkin, D. and Lewis, P. 1999. Generation and Use of Occupational Ability Profiles for Exploring O*NET Occupational Units. Raleigh, NC: National Center for O*NET Development.
  3. Mellon, S. J., Daggett, M., MacManus, V. and Moritsch, B. 1996. “Development of General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) Forms E and F.” Pp. 1-58 in GATB Improvement Project Final Report, edited by R. A. McCloy, T. L. Russell and L. L. Wise. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.
  4. Segall, D. O. and Monzon, R. I. 1995. Equating Forms E and F of the P&P-GATB. Monterey, CA: Navy Personnel Research and Development Center.
  5. S. Department of Labor. 1970. Manual for the USES General Aptitude Test Battery, Section III: Development. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  6. S. Department of Labor. 2002. O*NET Ability Profiler Administration Manual. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.