Facebook Hack Username And Password

Posted by Hacking-Tutorial.com in Hacking Tutorial | 571 comments

Hack Facebook #1 - Enter the username of the Facebook account you’re looking to hack into our tool. #2 - Click Continue. Keep in mind that this process is very complex, so it can take up to 2 minutes for it to retrieve the desired password. Hack Facebook #1 - Enter the username of the Facebook account you’re looking to hack into our tool. #2 - Click Continue. Keep in mind that this process is very complex, so it can take up to 2 minutes for it to retrieve the desired password. Hack Facebook Password For Free Online. How to hack a facebook password. Step 1: Get their facebook account username. This is how to hack a facebook password easily with our online facebook hacker. This tool is completely free, fast and easy. Launched in 2015, we have offered our skills to the public to help them hack facebook. Username: voicu2006alexandra@gmail.com Password: 20060802@v Other: Name is Voicu Maria Alexandra Stats: 47% success rate; 586 votes; 12 months old. Yes,anonghost hacked 500 facebook pages and accounts,they have leaked it on the web.recently Facebook shutdown many anonymous pages including anonghost official page and their personal profiles were blocked by Facebookwe think this maybe the reason behind this hack.so we got list hacked Facebook accounts and Facebook pages have a look: FACEBOOK HACKED ACCOUNTS email = Read More »500.

Facebook hack username and password recovery tool

5 Steps How to Hack Facebook Account Password is the tutorial I made to continue the other how to hack a facebookaccount tutorial from Hacking-tutorial.com.

On How to Hack Facebookphishingattack page (see here) there is a comment from jordin71 that asking for the new facebook offline page, because the last tutorial is the old facebook interface. So we decide to make the new one to update the facebook offline file.

We also want to remind you again that this tutorialHow to Hack Facebook Account and the downloadable file is free to use and the purpose is for education. we're not responsible for any misuse of this file.


1. Facebook offline page (download)

2. MySQL Table Query (the MySQL table for this tutorial)

5 Steps How to Hack Facebook Account Password:

1. Download the facebook offline file from the link above


2. Inside the facebook.rar file there are 3 files (index.php, login.php, and view.php) you need to configure 2 of them (login.php and view.php) to match with your database server configuration.

3. In this third step, you can view my previous tutorial about how to hack facebook account using phishing method (see the tutorial here)

4. This is the fake facebook page interface preview screenshot using my browser.

5. If someone logged in, we can view the harvested passwords in view.php page.



1. See carefully the browser address bar URL, do not continue to browse if you find the URI is mistyping, only facebook.com the real one.

2. If you type your username and password correctly, but the facebook page redirect you to wrong username or password error page, see the browser address bar URL in case you open the fake facebook page.

Hope you found it useful 🙂

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Facebook Username And Password Free

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