Html Text In Flash

Creating HTML Rendering Textboxes in Flash. The Dynamic and Input textboxes can be made HTML Rendering. Create a Dynamic Textbox and select ' Render text as HTML' from the Properties inspector, don't forget to enter a variable name say, ' dyntxt '. To format the text in Bold/Italics, open Actions window (F9) and type the following code.

Flash Text Basics

  1. Inserting Flash Into HTML. To insert flash into your HTML files you must use the HTML tag object, which is used to place multimedia items like music, movies, and now Flash files onto web pages. We will assume that the name of your flash file is 'example.swf' for this lesson, but you should rename it to the actual name of your flash file.
  2. You could make the text blink via jquery. Put the text you want to blink in a tag and the javascript below will make it blink. Increase the duration below if it blinks too fast.
  3. In this Adobe Flash CS3 Professional video the instructor shows how to work with text. This video shows how to work with text in flash and various other tips. First open your flash and create the text. Now format the text using the formatting option and by setting the proper font, color etc. Now convert your text fields to symbols by right clicking them and choosing the required option.
  4. Input Text Drag a Textbox on the stage using the Text tool and select Input Text Type from the Properties window. The Input textbox has a rectangular handle in the lower right corner, which can be used to adjust the size of the Textbox.

How to use textboxes in Flash

This tutorial explains the basics of using Flash text. In Flash there are 3 types of Textboxes - Static, Input & Dynamic. Static texts are used for titles, labels, or other text content that appears in a flash document by default. Input text options are used for user interactivity like obtaining username or other information in a Flash form. The third type of text is Dynamic text, that are used to display text that changes dynamically at runtime.

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Get to know how to use the 3 types of Textboxes - Static, Input & Dynamic in Flash.


Static Text

  1. Drag a Textbox of Fixed-width on the stage using the Text tool and select Static Text Type from the Properties window.
  2. The Static textbox has a rectangular handle in the upper right corner, which can be used to adjust the size of the Textbox.
  3. The various Text properties such as the Font, Font-size, Font-style, Font-color, Align etc. can be set using the Properties inspector as shown above.
  4. Expanding-width textboxes can be created by selecting the Text tool and clicking once on the stage without dragging it, and start typing the text in it. Note that the expanding textboxes have a round handle as shown above.

Input Text

  1. Drag a Textbox on the stage using the Text tool and select Input Text Type from the Properties window.
  2. The Input textbox has a rectangular handle in the lower right corner, which can be used to adjust the size of the Textbox.
  3. Apart from the normal Font properties of a Static textbox, the Input textbox has more options like, Single Line to display the text as one line, Show Border Around Text to indicate the boundaries of the text field with a visible border.
  4. A variable name can also be given which can be used to store user input.

Dynamic Text

  1. Drag a Textbox on the stage using the Text tool and select Dynamic Text Type from the Properties window.
  2. The normal Font properties of a textbox can be set for a Dynamic textbox and it also has more options like, variable names can be given, line options can be given say, Single Line to display the text as one line, Selectable and Render text as HTML.
  3. Variable names are used to assign dynamic values at runtime or obtain values from External Sources.
  4. dyn_txt = 'SmartWebby Visitor!'

Software Required

Html Text Generator

Compatible Versions of Flash for this Tutorial

Flash CS5 Professional | Flash CS4 Professional
Note: For uses of lower versions of Flash some visual interface images would differ.
Recommended Version:Adobe Flash CS5 Professional

Html Text In Flash Reader

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