Sap Sm69

Where: transaction SM69, RZ11 Useful SAP Notes: 510007 We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content. By continuing to browse this website you agree to the use of cookies. We have 1 java '.jar' file. We execute it on presentation server as below: run- cmd then java -jar Filepath+Filename.jar Now we want to execute this file from ABAP. So what configuration we have to make in SM69 transaction so that we can execut.

Choose CCMS ® Configuration ® External Commands (Transaction SM69). This displays a list of the commands that are already defined. Choose Command list ® Display Change to enter the change mode. Choose either the Create or Change function. To create a command, fill out the fields in the definition screen as follows: Command name. (4) Make sure the file has read write execute permissions (Mode 777) SAP Configuration (1) Run transaction SM69 (2) Hit F5 and then Hit F6 (3) Enter Command Name: ZSHELL (4) Operating System will default to Unix or HP-UX etc. (5)Enter Operating System Command: sh (6)Additional Parameters allowed: X (7) Save it.

SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - SM69

SAP TcodeSM69
DescriptionMaintain External OS Commands
Program NameSAPLSXPT
Screen Number200
Transaction TypeP
ModuleBasis Components ► Use Subcomponents ► Background Processing

The SAP TCode SM69 is used for the task : Maintain External OS Commands. The TCode belongs to the SBTC package.

SAP Background Processing Tcodes

SM36Schedule Background JobBC-CCM-BTC
SM39Job AnalysisBC-CCM-BTC
SM62Event History and Background EventsBC-CCM-BTC
SBTATest background processingBC-CCM-BTC
SM64Manage Background Processing EventsBC-CCM-BTC
CRITCall the Criteria ManagerBC-CCM-BTC
SPBTTest: Parallel background tasksBC-CCM-BTC
SPBMMonitoring parallel background tasksBC-CCM-BTC
SMXDisplay Own JobsBC-CCM-BTC
Full List of SAP Background Processing Tcodes

Hi Friends,

Here, i would like share he can we do the file PGP Encryption and Decryption by using SM69 in SAP ABAP.

To access the PGP commands from the SM69 first PGP s/w has to install on UNIX server.

If the pgp s/w is not installed on the your server you can’t able to access the pgp commands.

File Encryption:

command: pgp -e <filename> -r <username>

when u are executing the command in the additional parameters you have to pass the <filenmae> -r username.

In your ABAP pgm you can call the FM SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE by passig the above external command ZUNIX_COMMAND_EN.

File Decryption


command: command: pgp –decrypt <filename.pgp> –symmetric-passphrase ‘test’ –overwrite remove –outputfile <outputfolder>

Sap Sm69 Trace

Sap Sm69

when u are executing the command in the additional parameters you have to pass the <filename.pgp> –symmetric-passphrase ‘test’ –overwrite remove –outputfile <outputfolder>.

In your ABAP pgm you can call the FM SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE by passig the above external command ZUNIX_COMMAND_EN.

Sap Sm69


Sap Sm69 Example
